Preliminary Highway Access

Following site procurement we work with design team members to prepare development access strategies. These include advice on suitable junction layouts, roundabout designs and traffic signal layouts. Designs are prepared to accord with relevant standards and guidance such as Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) and Manual for Streets (MfS).

Development Layouts

Working in conjunction with Masterplanners and Architects we advise on internal highway layouts including, parking, refuse collection, servicing etc. to accord with National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). We use AUTOTRACK computer software to check vehicle tracking which is consistent with best practice design and adoption standards whilst recognising the scheme’s vision and aspirations. At this stage we advise on requirements for flood mitigation and potential impacts imposed by sustainable drainage (SUDs) on development layouts and help incorporate such features into the masterplan.

Flooding and Drainage

As schemes move forward towards Planning Submission we agree scoping and design parameters with relevant approving authorities, Environment Agency, local SuDs Approving Bodies etc. and prepare appropriate Flood Risk Assessments and Drainage Strategies to support the application, as required by current planning guidance (NPPF). We also provide input including assessment of appropriate mitigation to the relevant Infrastructure chapters of Environmental Impact Assessments.

Utility Services

We undertake initial enquiries with utility companies to identify the location of services and to establish potential constraints to development layouts, either location or capacity. Working with service companies and masterplanners we seek to minimise the impact of existing services on layouts and where necessary negotiate suitable diversion routes. We prepare utility service strategies for developments, provide service layouts and co ordinate incoming services.

Detailed Design

Following granting of planning permission we can input to discussions regarding appropriate S106 contributions and prepare detailed highway and infrastructure designs to support implementation of the development. These include negotiating appropriate highway and drainage agreements (Section 278/38/104) for both on and off site works to secure approval from the appropriate adopting authorities. Depending on the chosen procurement route we can assist with preparing contract and tender documents and with contractor selection, or work within a larger novated design team to deliver the development as part of a design and build contract.

Construction Stages

During construction stages we can provide a site monitoring service to check that works are being implemented in accordance with approved designs. This includes liaison during construction with relevant officers from the adopting authorities, highway and drainage, so that on completion the works can be adopted and bonds etc. released

Technical Audits

At various project stages, either preliminary or detailed we can undertake independent technical design audits to check for adherence to design standards and parameters and also review designs against current best practice guidance.

Expert Witness

We provide expert witness advice on highways and infrastructure matters for planning inquiries and prepare CPR 35 reports in civil disputes